20 August 2008


I took some pictures of pretty butterflies at Como Zoo last weekend. They are on my Flickr site. Any help identifying the little suckers would be greatly appreciated.

11 August 2008

Don't Send Flowers; She's Allergic

My car, Fiona, is going to the hospital. It's been a little over a week since the transmission started acting up... a long, stressful week. First I was told that I needed a tranny rebuild. At 90k? Ridiculous! Then I was told just don't drive it when it's hot out. Um, I live in HOUSTON. Next I was told there was nothing wrong, it just needed a tranny flush... oh, and just ignore those lights on the dash that are coming on. Uh-huh. After that I was told to come on in and have those lights checked out fairly soon, but go ahead and drive all I want in the meantime.

Current status: the tranny is toast, but Honda is paying for it. I suppose that is the best I could hope for at this point. I would rather not have a transmission problem at all, but apparently with an early-2000s Honda that's not an option. So I'll be grateful it didn't happen 10,000 miles later, when the warranty would be expired.