I said I would show you the herb garden next. I lied. Thing is, there's another project in the middle of herb garden, and it's not cooperating. So instead, you get to see my philodendron. As usual, there is no "before" photo, but that's because in order to get to "before," one has to go back to early January, before hell froze over. This philodendron was huge. Huge. I had to cut it back twice last year just to be able to reach my water knob. I couldn't see out of the window over it. There was more wrought iron stuff between in and the house that I didn't know about until the leaves froze. And died. And got hacked off. But it's a philly, and it gamely started growing back. In the meantime, I noticed that wate coming off the roof was washing away the soil in one particular spot. My solution: dump more rock on it.
See the leaf on the left touching the ground? That's the only leaf that made it through the freeze... the last leaf that was there when I moved in. I named it Mike. Minnesota hockey fans know why (and no, I won't be cutting it off anytime soon). The rest of you will just think, "oh, I see she's still naming inanimate objects." Which I am.
I fully expect my philly to be as big and tall and even fuller by the end of the summer than it was last fall. At that point, I probably won't be able to see the nice rock, so I'd best enjoy it now.