16 June 2008

Ain't Technology Grand?

I finally got internet at home. More to the point: I finally got internet to work at home. To be perfectly honest, some huge guy named Robert Tech 124 finally got internet to work at my home. Now I can update my blog in the comfort of my own PJs.

But since I still have nothing interesting to relate to all of you, it hardly seems to matter.

The biggest news I have this week is that I finally took care of my HazWOPER refresher for the year. No, I don't really need it for this job, but those of you who have sat through the 40-hour initial course will understand why I would rather pay out of my own pocket for the refresher than let my certification expire and have to sit through the whole course again.

Tears of despair threaten even as I think such a thing.

Definitely better to pay to spend 8 hours with an online course that tells you things like "to clean up an acid spill, you should pour a base on it." At least I got a good laugh out of this.

In other news, according to Weatherbug it's 95 in Farmington, but the humidity is 8%, so the heat index is 88. Here it's 94, but the humidity is 39%, so the heat index is 98.

I want my desert back!


  1. Juli - yes, technology IS grand. Glad you have it together at long last. As far as heat or humidity? Well, it's not so much hot now, but humid? Well, let's put it this way: half the Wisconsin Dells is on its way to the Mississippi. This started as ridiculous, has passed through tragic, and now is just sort of a major "Aw NUTS!" But in the meantime, WELCOME to the innerwebs!!

  2. One can only hope that the Dells went to the river in true Dells fashion - on an inner tube with a beer in one hand. Suddenly, investing in a DUCK doesn't seem so silly, does it?
