First interesting thing: I bought a house. My very own. Here it is:

Apart from being in Houston, it's pretty nice. And it is south of I-10, so I have really got it made, if I am to believe Sonny Landrith. He's never lied to me before...
The house has a really nice backyard. I just mowed it today for the first time. Here's the yard.
And here's the mower. Post-mowing, of course; it was too embarrassed to let me take a picture of it clean.
My yard comes with a pet hawk. Two, actually. Maybe even three, but so far I have only identified an adult and a juvenile sharp-shinned hawk. Or maybe they're Cooper's hawks. It's hard to tell; see Figure 1. If only they would stand still so I could measure them... They've been feeding very well, and they like to perch in my tree while eating. I have seen or heard them 5 days this week.
I really only have one room finished to my satisfaction, but it's an important one: the bathroom.
Today was supposed to be a day of accomplishments. I was going to buy curtains, for example, and hang them. That doesn't seem to have happened though. Buying the lawnmower and using it took a lot longer than I planned... possibly because that trip also included "eating at Fadi's," which is an important accomplishment in its own right, and buying dog food (for Mike's dogs; Mike was kind enough to haul the lawnmower home in his Murano - you didn't think I put it in my coupe, did you?). Now it is 5.30, and it is shower time. If I manage to buy curtains after that, I will be sure to let you know. In less than a month, this time.
Dammit, you beat me to getting a house!! :P
ReplyDeleteLooks way cool, congrats. See if you can get some pics of the hawks and other wildlife.
How's the bike doing? (So much for 'stay in touch...!' :P :P LOL
(BTW, the code word on this post is 'racerize.' If it's not a real word, it should be.)
Oh, Niece Juli, MAZEL TOV! The house is really fine....but the yard? Oh, you HAVE scored. It's just awfully nice. I'm proud of you, pleased FOR you, and impressed. Oh - but yeah, posts a little oftener might be know, maybe every THREE WEEKS? (she said, sarcastically) :o)