30 November 2009

The Thanksgiving Review

Happy post-Thanksgivingness, everyone! What did you have for din-dins? We had: 
  • Roasted chestnuts
  • Squash cakes (think latkes only with yellow squash, served with sour cream and salsa)
  • Wild rice soup  (with sherry)
  • Turkey/gravy
  • Stuffing (with toasted pine nuts)
  • Cranberry-raisin relish (the leftovers of which I am currently consuming)
  • Sweet potato balls (with bourbon)
  • Camp Hilary cornbread
  • Green bean casserole
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower 
  • Pumpkin stuffed with sweet stuffing
  • Apple pie (with Cool Whip)
  • Pumpkin cheesecake (with cognac) 
To date, the only leftovers finished in this household are the soup and the cornbread. Dan thought he finished the turkey this morning, but tonight I found another container of it. To be fair, we did also finish off the leftover gnocchi from friday night, and the hot and sour soup from wednesday.

I are full.


  1. We went to my coworkers' place. It was them, their daughter, and me and Jen...

    Mashed Potatoes
    Potato Salad
    Sauerkraut & Bean Salad
    Chips N Dip
    Spicy Rice Dish
    and a couple of pies we never did get to try as we were on the verge of exploding. This woman apparently expected to feed a division of starving Marines.

    Good stuff, though. And I've finally found the secret to making omelettes.

  2. We had a turkey on the Weber. Mmmm, smoked turkey [Homer Simpson drool]
    Amongst the other stuff we had 6-layer salad, which is a 7-layer salad minus the peas. (Mom said she was out of peas, but she also knows I don't like them. Peas don't really constitute a "layer" anyway.)
    Then my dog ate mouse poison, but that's another story (she is fine).

