Dolly has moved on, and I have survived my first hurricane. I got wet taking a walk, and I didn't have to water the yard for a while. Sounds like a pretty fair deal to me.
I have not forgottened my intention to find some Good Things about Houston. It's been hard... really, really hard... but today I managed to discover two Good Things about Houston. Here is the first one:
Yes, it is a six-pound can of tomato sauce. I haven't seen one of these in years. I think I still ate meat last time I saw Mom make sauce with an enormo-can. Today I made a batch of sauce using only one can of Hunt's, instead of the three or four I have had to use in the past. The size of my batch of sauce is now limited by the size of my biggest pot (thank you, Mumsy, for the big pot) instead of how many cans I could open before I got bored (thank you, Grandpa, for the impatience genes).
Ok, now for the second Good Thing: It's bread. Or at least, it was bread about an hour and a half after this picture was taken. It took only about an hour for this blob to double while sitting out on the porch, in the sun, with a damp cloth on. The second rising took less than half an hour.
Thursday: HoT closed before I got there. V. sad. Guy said they ran out of toppings anyway. Friday: Wheat toast with hummus, garlic, and tomato. Mmmmm. Saturday: White toast with Nutella, Cap'n Crunch, and sprinkles. Also mmmmmm. Also Saturday: White toast with cheesy artichoke topping. Say it with me: mmmmmm.