02 July 2008

Sorry, I've Been Busy

Where were we? Oh, yes:
27.5 hours until House of Toast!!!!!!!


  1. Now...let me get this straight: this event happens at work? Or...(if you're coming by at 2:00 a.m.) maybe a colleague's house? I'm old, Juli. I'm old enough to get all the cool stuff you get when you're old. (Cheap eats, cheap movie tickets &c &c) and I have to say, I have never heard of a House of Toast. On the *other* hand, it's intriguing. What are the rules? I think that sounds like something that would appeal to your uncle. Well - probably not Vegemite.

  2. Anonymous08 July, 2008

    SO...it has been like 120 hours SINCE the H.O.T. ...I must know how it went!


  3. What? You were here for house of toast and didn't let me know? I no longer feel loved. Of course, If I actually would sit down at my computer and turn on yahoo i might have known.

  4. Yes, please - I can only assume you are, at this point, lying somewhere, torpid and limp, entirely over-toasted. I hope you recover soon, on account of I am VERY curious to know what you had on your toasts.
