01 July 2008


57 hours until House of Toast!!!!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous01 July, 2008

    I've been keeping up with your adventures but having left any messages. But, now I have to ask - what is a House of Toast?

  2. OK, I'm as fond as the next of a counting-down. I agree with April, though. What the heck IS a "House of Toast"? (And listen, I'm totally ROTTEN at math, so I can't figure it out; you're going to have to tell.)

  3. House of Toast is perhaps the best room party at CONvergence (which starts at 9 on thursday). A perennial favorite, this party consists of people making toast and topping it as requested by you, the attendee. Now, they don't have EVERYTHING one could put on toast, but they come darn close. 50 choices at least, and all teh possible resultiing combinations... Jalapenos and vegemite... nutella and marshmallow... jelly and butter, if you are still sober... the best part is swinging by at 2 am to see what the drunk people are willing to eat!

  4. Have a slice with Vegemite for me and Jen.
